One Thought Professional Retreat

"The Principles provide a comprehensive and uncompromising premise that allows us to see and surpass the limits of our current understanding of them.

Our work (and life) will constantly highlight the limits of our understanding if we are interested.

The natural relationship between this simple premise and the challenges and limits we encounter, makes our life and work a rich and organic engine for our own endless learning, depth and impact.“ 

Aaron Turner

The Retreat

This event is focussed on this relationship. It is focussed on the principles as an uncompromising guide to depth.

The retreat is a chance to look, in an uncompromising way, in a deeper direction- together.

We are inviting you to step back and take a deeper look with us, at our understanding through the work we do, and to get a feel for our challenges as an invaluable springboard for learning and development.

Over the last few years, I have felt very drawn and inspired to host a professional gathering in person, in London. I wanted to create a place for those that are working with The Principles and people who are interested in the development of their own understanding and depth, to gather, take a step back and look towards a deeper appreciation of what it means to bring our own depth of understanding in to our work. 

Our practices, our work and our impact is directly affected by our interest in our own depth. For me I see this as a fantastic requirement of my work. It means that looking deeper in myself, past what I think I know and what I am currently comfortable with. It is a requirement I am very grateful for because it has made my life and my work a curiosity and a joy- an endless opportunity for discovery, learning and depth.

This year, that inspiration has finally brimmed over into a plan. This summer I will be hosting the first One Thought Professional Retreat in London.

Who is the retreat for?

  • Practitioners and aspiring practitioners interested in their learning, development and their impact. 
  • People that already have an understanding of the principles but want to find a deeper more resonant feeling of understanding. 

What to expect

  • To spend time with an open and engaged group of practitioners and interested people looking towards the depth of the principles.
  • A time to step back, absorb and reflect and let your understanding evolve.
  • A focus on the principles as an endless guide to depth and what that looks like in relation to our life challenges, work challenges and goals.
  • The chance to see live client sessions and discuss the understanding and orientation behind them.
  • A chance to bring questions about your life and work and get a feel for the direction to resolve them.

Retreat Dates & Location

Friday 25th April 2025 5:00pm - 7:30/8:00pm BST

Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th April 2025 9:30am - 4:30/5:00pm BST

Central London

Although the retreat is designed for practitioners, everyone is welcome. You can join us in-person or virtually and will also get access to the recordings for 1 year.

Join Us

We'd love for you to join us. The cost to attend the retreat is

£450 + VAT

By registering for this course you are agreeing to our terms on confidentiality and privacy.


Have a question?

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us.

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