Caring for our mental health is an ethical choice

October 299th 2022, 10:44:49 AM

The world feels overwhelming right now. It seems like there’s nowhere to hide, with all the news coverage on global warming and the energy crisis leaving many of us cold, in both senses of the word. It’s understandable if you just feel like climbing in a pile of warm laundry and eating cake.

 The desire to make a difference by choosing environmental and sustainable products is alive in most of us, but many people are unsure where to start. First, making the right choice can be difficult because sustainability is complex. It is also a challenge as we are constantly bombarded with information; sifting through it can be emotionally draining. 

Being overwhelmed

It is really hard as we feel like we face a minefield of complex decisions. By the time we’ve considered the best choice of ethical bank or decided which bag of coffee to buy, we are exhausted. It can make us feel like giving up and going back to familiar comfort zones. 

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