Foundations of Impact Practitioner Programme

We are slowing down. Simplifying, and focusing on the most meaningful part of this work.

The essence of impact.

This year’s programme is different

At One Thought we like to update and improve our programmes as we go. We have made a couple of improvements to the upcoming Foundations of Impact Programme. 

  1. We have added an individual mentoring call. This call is a chance for us to check in with you about your Learning and it’s a chance for you to talk to us about anything you want. The call also allows us to apply the learning from the programme to the areas and issues that make the most difference to you. 
  2. We have extended the hours the progrqmme’s retreats. The retreats are the heart of the programme. Being a part of the retreats is vital to getting the impact of the programme. We felt that having more time together for the retreats would support the impact of the programme. 
  3. The programme will remain completely virtual. 

Lila and I thought being able to meet in-person would be really valuable. Apparently you all did not agree. The people have spoken and so we have decided to keep the programme virtual. 

Who is this progamme for?

The goal of the programme is for you to get a feeling and an understanding of The Three Principles as a foundation for the work you do so that you can do the work you want to do and also learn and develop as you go.

The programme is designed for:

Practitioners and aspiring practitioners:  If you have you experienced a life-changing shift through understanding The Three Principles and feel drawn to sharing that potential with others but find it difficult, complicated, feel a lack of clarity or confidence or don’t feel able to easily start, the Foundations of Impact Programme is designed to bridge that gap. We have had aspiring and existing therapists, coaches, consultants and trainers on our practitioner programmes. Many of the names you might recognise in the field are graduates of our practitioner programmes

Internal experts: If you are not a practitioner but you would like to bring a professional-level understanding of The Principles to your work, either by providing support to colleagues or through a more considered focus on your influence on the culture you work in. To date, we have trained internal experts from private and public businesses, government departments, the prison service, the NHS and education.


The history of One Thought Practitioner Training

The seeds of our programmes go right back to the time Aaron spent at Pransky & Associates when we was designing practitioner programmes they offered to groups that wanted to be practitioners. It was this experience combined with his own training and development at Pransky & Associates that provided the basis of the One Thought Institute, the original One Thought practitioner training launched in 2010, a comprehensive practitioner training that became the basis for many existing programmes. Many of today's new generation of practitioners are graduates of that programme.

After running The Institute for six years, Aaron evolved and refined our practitioner training to provide a programme called the One Thought Foundations Programme. We didn’t want to offer bells and whistles. We wanted our training to focus only on the things that directly make up a good practitioner. In the constantly growing range of available trainings, we wanted to give people a grounded grasp of what they needed to be effective so they would have a foundation to draw on in order to meet the challenges they would inevitably face. The Foundations Programme allowed us to offer students a clearer understanding of where to look for their own answers in their life and their work.

The outcomes of the Foundations Programme were consistently beyond our expectations. We knew we were on the right track and we honed the programme each year we did it. It has been such a meaningful experience to run this programme and we have had the most fantastic heartfelt, passionate students. After three years of running The Foundations Programme, we saw the potential for another jump in evolution for what we can offer.

During lockdown, like many people, we had our normal routines wiped away. As a result, we spent a rich period of time living in a quieter place in our own minds. We noticed a shift in the depth of our work and in our vision for what we were doing that has been compelling and inspiring. A new vision for how we want to support and foster new practitioners has come out of this shift.

Focus of the new programme

We have slowed everything down, simplified and distilled our vision. We are focusing on the simplicity and power of impact and the Three Principles as a complete and comprehensive foundation for everything you need.

The Foundations of Impact Programme is focused on the underlying foundations of impact. We want you to discover, understand and get a meaningful feel for what drives your learning and your impact. We want you to understand the core foundation at its clearest source so that you have clarity, confidence and an evolving learning curve around your work with others. The most fundamental piece in working with clients is really knowing what matters and what does not.

Programme description

The simple goal of this programme is to clarify and understand the vital elements of working with The Principles so you have more confidence and a clearer sense for how to navigate yourself in your life and work. The goal is for you to know what you need and what you do not need.

Although this sounds like a simple goal, you would be surprised to hear how easy it is to get focussed on things that feel relevant but are not. For example there are things you might think need, but you don’t, like:

  • Previous experience in a particular area in order to work in that area
  • The way you speak
  • To have nailed down a concept of The Principles
  • The right way to say things
  • The right way to do things (proposals, programmes, meetings, client sessions, formats etc)
  • To have a long list of impressive teaching examples to share
  • To have elaborate diagrams in order to be credible
  • To do endless trainings to improve and develop and to feel capable and confident
  • To have a certificate (yes you do get one, not that you need it)
  • To do things as well as, or like, somebody else

What you do need:

  • A deep feeling for this understanding for yourself, even if you can’t say it like other people
  • Knowing what it means, and feels like, to listen to others, and yourself, deeply and neutrally
  • To get comfortable in the face of insecurity
  • Finding your own voice and trusting yourself
  • To understand meaningfully what it means when people say ‘the feeling is your guide’
  • The ability to be a forever student to your own potential for depth
  • A sense of when you 'know' and when you are not clear enough
  • We are often asked about credentials. Your impact with your clients is your credentials (Okay yes, you do get a certificate too)

What’s new in the One Thought Foundations of Impact Programme?

With our new appreciation for the essence of what really matters we have evolved our approach to your learning in three key ways.

The focus

The programme this year has a more unwavering focus on the core that determines the impact of what we do.

Orientation to learning

We have changed our orientation to your learning. In order to maximise the impact of what you take away from this programme, we have shifted from a teaching and training orientation to more of an exploration and discovery orientation. It is this orientation that we use as a guidance system to navigate and develop our own practice and our client work. While we have always intuitively had this orientation, it has become clear how this approach engages you to discover more for yourself which makes your learning more real, impactful and sustainable.


We want to provide a more sustained focus and development for you. To do this we have a very small core faculty; Lila and Aaron. We will be with you through every part of the programme. We think we will get to know you better. We will see for ourselves how you are learning and what you might need to explore more specifically so we can point you in the right direction for your personal learning and development. We want to maximise the continuity, focus and depth of your learning. Lila and Aaron will be leading all aspects of the programme. We are also limiting the group size so we will be able to give thought and focus to every student we have. We will have guest speakers contribute to the programme.

We are creating a space for us to learn together in a way that allows you to discover a deepening of understanding that happens outside of what you know. A deepening that cannot come from a desire to ‘gather’ ideas or capability. The retreats and meetings will be structured for mental space to digest, reflect, and have new thought occur. A chance for you to feel in real time what mental space and a quieter mind has to offer. 

We feel excited to be launching this programme with this distilled focus and exploratory orientation.

“New thought always appears in the gaps.”

Lila Turner

The Core Faculty

The programme is designed and led by Aaron and Lila Turner. To find out more about Aaron and Lila click here.

Aaron has worked in this field for over 27 years as a counsellor, consultant and director at One Thought. He has extensive experience with individuals, couples, families, executives and leaders, groups, teams, public speaking, conference development and in practitioner training and mentoring.

Lila has worked in the field for the past 8 years, has been around the Three Principles for 27 years and has been involved in One Thought’s Practitioner training from the start. She has also worked with individuals, organisations, leaders and created her own relationships programme Relationship Ready.

Programme Structure

The programme is set over 9 months and is made up of 

Three virtual immersion retreats

Each retreat involves three days of exploration, discussion and reflection.

Retreat immersion 1: A new platform for learning.

We kick off the programme with the first retreat. This session sets the tone for the rest of the programme. This retreat is focussed on: Meeting each other as a group; Getting a new orientation for learning; Getting a fresh understanding of the principles for yourself; Getting a feel for looking beyond what you already know.

This retreat will be a real chance to get an appreciation for the direction of freshness and depth within yourself and for the essence of The Principles. The goal is to establish a new feeling for ongoing learning and development as a basis for the rest of the programme and the rest of your life.

Retreat Immersion 2: The essence of impact in real time. 

The second retreat session will focus on what determines the quality of work that you do. This retreat will be a practical exploration of what determines the impact of what we do when we are working with others.

In the weeks following this session we will set some practical client conversation exercises and we will discuss them in the regular meetings and will give you input for the following week’s exercises. The goal of these exercises is to get a feel for how your engagement and impact works, so you can get a feel for it and discover how it works for yourself.

Retreat Immersion 3: The reality you are dealing with. Discovering what is possible. Discovering what is, or is not, a problem and what is, or is not, a solution.

The final retreat is a chance to bring together the group’s discoveries during the programme and start to appreciate the foundation you have developed during the programme.

When the programme finishes, no matter what you do after it, you will face the challenges of your life and your work and your insecurities. The final retreat is a chance to reflect on, and appreciate the power a clear foundation gives you in the face of any challenge, no matter what it is.

Eleven virtual learning and reflection meetings

(1.5 hours each) with Aaron and Lila and occasional visiting guest speakers (6-7.30pm UK time)

In between the retreats, there are regular meetings of an hour and a half. These meetings allow you to stay focussed, reflective and learning. We want to see what challenges you have, what struggles and what moments of clarity you are experiencing. We want to see where you are learning and developing and where you feel stuck or lost in any way. In the meetings you will have a chance to see how this understanding works in the face of all the issues, topics and experiences that emerge during the programme. The goal is to look behind these dynamics and get a real sense of how it all works so it simplifies for us all. The programme is designed to have enough of these meetings for you to get a real feel for what you are dealing with day-to-day and a confidence in your ability to navigate it and learn as you go.

One virtual mini retreat

Spaced over 2 evenings (2 hours one evening, 1 hour the following evening) with a visiting guest speaker who we feel has a rich and different sense of the foundations we focus on.

Visiting speakers

The focus of this programme is an unwavering interest in what drives impact. To help us explore this more directly and deeply, we have invited a lovingly selected number of guest speakers. These are people we feel have an unwavering respect for the essence behind what we do and, as a result, have resonance and impact. They all see and talk about it differently. This variety in feeling and ‘voice’ allows you to consider and explore the essence more richly and sensitively. We have invited them because when you meet them you can feel the focus and substance of where they come from and the understanding behind it. We will get the chance to have meetings with the guest speakers, hear from them and discuss what you are learning with them.

The groups and meeting will be reflective spacious and intimate. 

Continued Development

Following your graduation, we will schedule a further two listening sessions so we can catch up and check in about how things are going with listening and working with people.

Furthermore, you're invited to become part of our growing One Thought Alumni family. This is a rich community of practitioners and internal experts who have trained with us. Periodically, we arrange two alumni webinars as a way of staying connected. We love staying in touch with our graduates.

2023/24 Programme Retreat Guest Host

(Guest host for the 2024/25 Retreat to be confirmed shortly.)

Christine Heath

Chris is a licensed marriage and family therapist in both Hawaii and Minnesota. She has been a student, trainer and program developer of The Three Principles for over 30 years. She is a worldwide consultant and educator for business professionals, social services and health care agencies, as well as providing supervision for graduate students of social work and marriage and family therapy.

2023/24 Programme Guest Speakers

(Guest speakers for the 2024/25 programme to be confirmed shortly.)

Chip & Jan Chipman

Chip and Jan had the honor of being mentored by Sydney Banks from 1975 until 2009. From 1994 to 2004 they conducted retreats with him in Europe and North America. His guidance during these events about sharing in as deep and simple a manner as possible, guides their work to this day. Over the years, Chip and Jan have created and conducted extensive programs in corporate, not for profit, educational, community and correctional settings, including a state prison, county jails and residential drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers. They currently share their understanding though speaking engagements, retreats and webinars worldwide. From their base on Salt Spring Island, they offer one on one Skype sessions as well as retreats for individuals, couples, and groups. The books and recordings of Sydney Banks are fundamental to all their work, helping countless people find happiness and understanding after being touched by those original materials. Chip is President of the Three Principles Foundation, and in 2008, co-founded the Three Principles School on Salt Spring Island, dedicated to sharing the simplicity and purity of the Three Principles, “As discovered and taught by Sydney Banks”.

Catherine Casey

Catherine has been conducting “3Principle’s Based Programs” to a wide range of people in many different environments throughout the world for the past 27 years. Notably, Catherine developed/implemented one of the first “3 Principles Program” in the Santa Clara County, CA Criminal Justice System which lasted over 15 years, serving incarcerated Adult men & women.  Thousands of inmates have been exposed to the teachings of Sydney Banks.

Catherine also provided Principles classes to inmates in the” infamous” San Quentin Prison.  And most importantly, the 3 Principles program was set up in the Santa Clara County, CA Juvenile Justice System (Juvenile Hall). Catherine developed/ implemented a Resiliency Program for health care professionals in Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, San Jose, California, one of the largest public hospitals in the United States. Many of the environments that Catherine has provided her consulting services include:

Fortune 500 Corporations, i.e.: Dow Chemical, BAE Defense Systems, Chlorox, and Boston Scientific. Medical Centers, Religious Organizations, State and County Government Organizations, Adult and Juvenile Criminal Justice Systems (including San Quentin Prison), Educational Institutions (Elementary through College), Psychiatric Residential Facilities, Addiction Treatment Programs. She has also shared the principles to LGBT individuals and groups. 

Beto Contreras

Beto is a teacher and community organizer at The Insight Alliance, a nonprofit organization based in Portland, OR. He’s also an activist with over 20 years of lived experience in the criminal justice system. Having spent the majority of his youth incarcerated, Beto is passionate about breaking the school to prison pipeline and creating support systems to help people to escape the cycle of recidivism. His unique experience and expertise has brought an important perspective to The Insight Alliance that resonates with the diverse communities the organization serves.


The cost of the programme is £6,000 +VAT.


Limited part-scholarships are available.

Click here for more info and to apply for a scholarship.


The times for the retreats and group sessions have all been set so that they are timezone friendly for the US, Canada, UK and Europe.

Unfortunately, we're unable to accept late registrations due to the volume of content missed during the open retreat.

1st Retreat

4, 5, 6 October 2024- 2:00pm - 7:30pm UK

Mini Retreat with Guest Speaker

28 November 2024 - 7pm - 9pm UK

29 November 2024 - 7pm - 8pm UK

2nd Retreat

31 Jan, 1, 2 February 2025 - 2:00pm - 7:30pm UK

3rd Retreat

16, 17, 18 May 2025 - 2:00pm - 7:30pm UK

Graduation Session

Sunday 8 June 2025 - 3pm - 8:00pm UK

Continued Development Listening Sessions & Alumni Webinars

Listening Sessions: 10 July & 7 August 2025 - 6pm - 7pm UK

Alumni Group Webinars: 4 September & 2 October 2025 - 6pm - 7pm UK

Group sessions (online) - 6pm - 7:30pm UK

Session 1: 17 October 2024

Session 2: 4 November 2024 (Monday)

Session 3: 14 November 2024

Session 4: 12 December 2024

Session 5: 16 January 2025

Session 6: 13 February 2025

Session 7: 27 February 2025

Session 8: 13 March 2025

Session 9: 27 March 2025

Session 10: 10 April 2025

Session 11: 24 April 2025

Register for the 2024/25 Foundations of Impact Programme

Have a general question about the programme?

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