Scaling Understanding in Organisations

State of mind group training for the wider team

This programme offers a lower cost, scaleable resource for your wider team to gain an understanding of state of mind within your organisation. This programme requires less time from participants, while allowing them to explore and absorb an awareness and understanding of state of mind.

Taking care of your team not only has the benefit of a jump in effectiveness on work, but also improved rapport, communication and collaboration and the benefit of an increase in wellbeing, clarity and work life balance.

1-day group training

A 1-day state of mind virtual training for the wider team (50 people per group).

Online learning

12 month access to our state of mind online learning platform. (9 core lessons & 65 supporting videos).

Group check-ins

5 bi-weekly guided virtual sessions to support the team's learning + Q&A.

Individual mentoring sessions

10 one-to-one mentoring sessions available to the team, when needed, for troubleshooting state of mind.

"In the past 20 years the greatest differentiator among corporations between wild success and less success has been in the strategic use of digital technology. In the next 20 years the greatest differentiator will be the strategic enhancement of the human factor and One Thought is at the absolute forefront of unlocking this factor."
David Patterson CEO, Northwater Capital
"Cascading this understanding to all levels of my organisation has not only created a better place to work but also visit and do business with – we can see the direct impact to our bottom line. This understanding is what makes all the difference when every other conventional method, tool and technique stops working."
D Donovan President, Aerospace & Defense Corporation
"The atmosphere has changed a lot, it is a nice feeling to come into work and enjoy what we are doing even in busy times. The team just mentally stronger and more prepared for busy times ahead. There is no tension between team members, which I am sure has a positive effect on their mood, performance and this helps to provide better customer care."
Rob F & B Director

Have a question?

If you'd like to discuss which programme is most suited for your organisation and how we can support your objectives, please reach out to us.

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